How To Avoid Rice Sticking To The Bottom Of The Rice Cooker

If used correctly, a rice cooker should cook rice without any sticking and without any water left in the bottom of the pan.

Rice sticking to the bottom of a pan is because of; a lack of water, overcooking or too much starch. You can avoid this by adding more water, rinsing the rice before cooking, adding a tablespoon of oil, or steaming the rice once cooked.

It’s important to remember is that there are many different types of the rice grain that all require their own specific ratio of water and their own cooking time.

For example, brown rice requires more water and longer cooking time than white rice. Also, starchy short-grain sushi rice will require a different ratio of water to a long grain basmati rice. 

Though it will mostly be down to the quantity of water added, if your rice is constantly sticking after adjustments, it is also worth checking to see if the bottom of your pan hasn’t been damaged and if the non-stick lining (if included) has not been scratched; this damage may also be causing your rice to stick unnecessarily. 

How To Prevent Rice From Sticking From The Bottom Of The Rice Cooker

Firstly check that your inner pan of the cooker has not been damaged in any way or that the non-stick lining (if included) has not been scratched. If there is some damage, you may have to purchase a new inner pan. 

Most of the time sticking can be prevented by preparing and cooking the rice correctly. Again this depends on the type of rice grain you are using.

The best thing to start doing is to follow the cooking instructions provided on each packet of rice that you buy or finding the correct water ratio online for your specific grain. However, there are a few little extra tips that you can follow that will help prevent your rice from sticking in your rice cooker. 

Rinse The Rice Before Cooking 

Using a muslin cloth bag or mesh strainer, rinse and drain the rice in cold water to release some of the scratches from the grain. Do this about 3 times and you will notice the water will become slightly clearer every time you rinse it.

Again depending on the type of grain you are cooking will vary how much starch you can wash off. However, washing some of the scratch-off any rice grain will reduce the amount of scratch released while cooking which in turn can make the rice more likely to stick. 

Stir The Rice Into The Water

Once rinsed, add the rice to the cooker with the correct ratio of water according to the packet instructions and the type of grain you are using.

Before turning on the machine, stir the rice a couple of times with a wooden spoon. This ensures that every grain of rice is separate and that you start the cooking process without any grains already stuck to the bottom. 

Add A Teaspoon Of Oil 

Adding a little bit of fat such as a teaspoon of vegetable oil will help lubricate the rice and encourage the grains not to stick to each other during the cooking process.

Add the oil just before turning on the cooker; the oil will sit on top of the water initially but once it starts cooking it will immerse with the rice. 

Once Cooked, Leave The Rice To Steam

Once the cooker clicks off and has finished cooking. Leave the rice on the warm setting for about 5 minutes before removing the lid. This allows the rice to steam and any remaining to water to evaporate.

Allowing a little bit more time for the cooker to release any excess water will mean the rice will be dry and fluffy rather than wet and stodgy. 

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