Is Juicing Wasteful? The Answer Might Surprise You

Thinking about purchasing a juicer but worried about the waste created?

Juicing can be wasteful, however, it doesn’t have to be thanks to multiple techniques to maximise your yields such as adjusting the speed and decreasing the capacity as well as different ways to use the pulp that you’re juicing machine discards.

In this post, we’ll look at how to maximise the amount of juice you’re getting from your juicing ingredients through multiple techniques as well as how to use that otherwise discarded pulp to create delicious new foods.

How Much Pulp Does A Juice Create?

On average, a 450ml (16fl oz) juice will create 2kg (4.5 pounds) of pulp.

However, this can vary significantly between the machine and the ingredients used. There’s a couple of techniques I’ve used to maximise the amount of juice I’ve got from my juicer.

How To Maximise Juice From Juicer

There’s a number of techniques I’ve found work really well in helping you maximise the amount of juice you get from your juicer.

Rolling Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale are ingredients that struggles to yield as much juice as perhaps it could.

I’ve found that by packing the leaves together tightly by either rolling them across a countertop or wrapping them around something more stable such as a carrot or apple is the best way to increase the amount of juice being created.

Adjust The Speed

Another great way to maximise the yield from your fruit when juicing is by adjusting the speed.

Not all juicers have multiple speed options (although it may be something to consider if you’re looking at buying a new juicer). I’ve found that this technique is most effective on softer fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes and melon.

Decrease The Capacity

Overloading your juicer shoot can cause damage to your juicer. However, it can also impact the amount of juice you’re getting from each ingredient.

Allowing the juicer to apply its full impact to a smaller number of ingredients at each stage is a sure-fire way to increase the amount of juice created.

The Best Things To Do With Juice Pulp

Of course, pulp doesn’t have to be wasted. In fact, there’s a whole host of things you can do with your pulp instead of simply discarding it.

1. Use It As A Base For Smoothies

The consistency and nutritious content of pulp make it the perfect thing to increase the thickness of smoothies.

2. Turn It Into Crackers

Turning your otherwise wasted pulp into crackers is a great way to minimise your juicing waste.

3. Make Bread

The vegetable pulp can be quickly and easily turned into bread or some incredibly healthy snack cakes and buns.

4. Veggie Burgers

Vegetable pulp is again perfect for creating some delicious veggie / plant-based burgers.

5. Granola

f you’re looking to add some nutrients to your breakfast then creating some juice pulp granola is a fantastic idea.

6. Soup

Juicing is an incredibly popular way to boost your immune system especially in the winter months. You can maximise your nutritional intake by converting your juice pulp into a delicious soup.

7. Compost

If you’re a fan of gardening, then consider adding the juicer pulp to your composting pile or even starting a composting pile specifically as a result of your pulp waste.

8. Energy Balls

Vegan energy balls are another great nutritious food you can make from your juicer pulp waste. These are perfect for lunch boxes or just as snacks on the way to/from work.

9. Brownies

Another great use for your leftover juicer pulp is a batch of delicious home-cooked brownies.

10. Fritters

You can use your remaining juice pulp to make some delicious fritters.