How To Stop A Pressure Cooker From Burning On The Bottom

A pressure cooker is a great way of creating delicious meals in a short space of time along with no fuss or mess.

To stop a pressure cooker from burning on the bottom you can add more liquid, a base plate to rest the meat on or to cook on a lower heat.

In this article I will go through the different reasons why your pressure cooker is burning on the bottom along with how to prevent it.

Why Does a Pressure Cooker Burn on the Bottom?

Have you noticed that your pressure cooker is burning at the bottom? This can happen for a variety of reasons. But one of the main culprits for this is because you cannot stir your food to stop it from sticking to the bottom and burning.

While pressure cookers that have been released in recent years are designed to spread out the heat evenly, burning can still occur because you cannot stir during the cooking time.

In most cases, your food will be burning at the bottom of the pressure cooker because of an error you have made. This means that once you have worked out what you are doing wrong, you can correct it. It does not mean that there is necessarily something wrong with your pressure cooker.

Are There Foods That Burn More Easily in a Pressure Cooker?

Any food has the potential to burn when it is being cooked in a pressure cooker. Other variables are going to control this.

For instance, if you do not have enough liquid in the pressure cooker, any food is going to burn. In particular, this tends to happen to foods that a high starch content. This includes rice and beans.

In addition, milk or cream that is cooked directly will likely burn very quickly. This happens because they form a film and this will overheat at the bottom of the pressure cooker. If you need to add milk or cream to your dish, it is best to add them after pressure cooking your other ingredients.

Alternatively, you can place a steel pot on top of the other ingredients so it does not burn at the bottom.

Ways You Can Prevent a Pressure Cooker from Burning on the Bottom

The good news is that there are several ways you can prevent burning the bottom of your pressure cooker, as well as the food you are prepared. Here are a few ways you can do this successfully.

Read the Manual

You may be under the impression that a pressure cooker is easy to use. For the most part, it will be. But this does not mean that you should skip reading the manual.

While this can seem like a boring task, it is a necessary one if you want to stop burning the bottom of the pressure cooker. Often, you will find instructions on how to adjust the heat and tips to cook your food. This can include recommended cooking times that can be useful for achieving the best results for your meals.

It is important to remember that every pressure cooker is going to be different. Even if you have had one before, it may not be the same depending on the brand, size and material it is made from. So, there can be different cooking times.

Stick to the Recommended Cooking Times

Of course, it is one thing reading the recommended cooking times in the instruction manual. But you also have to stick to them. So, ensure that you take this advice on board and use it when you are cooking.

This can help to cook your food thoroughly without burning the bottom of it. This is going to allow you to enjoy your meal, as well as have less to clean up on your pressure cooker afterwards.

Use the Right Amount of Liquid

Putting liquid into your pressure cooker is important. This is going to help create the steam that you need to cook your meal.

Always check the recipe and ensure that you are putting in the right amount. Otherwise, the pressure cooker will heat up and burn the bottom of the food without producing enough steam that is necessary for cooking.

Choose an Elevated Metal Plate

Are you using the accessories that came with your pressure cooker? You may notice that there was an elevated metal plate included. If not, this is something that you want to purchase. It could be the answer to all of your problems.

What this plate does is that it fits at the bottom of the pressure cooker. It allows your food to sit above the liquid so that it can cook evenly. In the process, it prevents the food from sticking to the bottom of the pressure cooker.

Try a Lower Heat Level

A lot of people are impatient when it comes to cooking. They want their food to be ready straight away. This can make it tempting to turn up the heat in the pressure cooker.

The assumption is that this will cook your food faster. However, this is not always the case. Instead, what can happen is that your food cooks well on the outside and burns without thoroughly cooking the inside. Not only does this mean that your food is raw when you cut into it, but it also means you risk burning the bottom.

One of the best ways to avoid this from happening is to lower the heat level. This will mean you may have to wait longer on your food. But it will also mean that it should be cooked evenly throughout, as well as avoid burning on the bottom.

Do Not Overfill

The downside of using a pressure cooker is that you cannot add ingredients while you are cooking a meal. Once the lid is shut that is it. This means that a lot of people try to throw everything into their pressure cooker beforehand so that it can all cook at once and be ready to serve together.

But doing this means that you run the risk of overfilling your pressure cooker. This is a big deal and something that you do not want to do. It can be dangerous and lead to high internal pressure.

In addition, it can also lead to your food burning on the bottom. Therefore, always make sure that your pressure cooker is only two-thirds full.

Check the Silicone Sealing

Is there a lot of steam coming from your pressure cooker? This is a sign that there might be a leak coming from the silicone sealing. The more steam that escapes the pressure cooker, the more likely it will be that your food burns.

Thus, check your appliance and the silicone sealing it has around the lid. If there is a crack or damage, as well as any food debris stuck there, this could be the root of the problem.